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Win a 001 Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set

Win a Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set from 001 Skincare London

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Burton, Bristol

Win a Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set from 001 Skincare London

L Paine, Bedford

Win a Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set from 001 Skincare London


Win a Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set from 001 Skincare London

3 prizes to be won!
Revive lacklustre skin this festive party season with the new CRYO-FLASH FACIAL SET from 001 Skincare London.
001 Skincare London is created by Ada Ooi, a celebrity and royalty facialist famed for delivering facials that transform clients skin, so news that she has unveiled, CRYOpress, a game changing beauty gadget designed to lift, tone and energise our complexion at home is one that has got the Marie Claire beauty team excited.

Based on the hot Hollywood “Facial Cryo” treatment (loved by Gigi Hadid and Jennifer Aniston), CRYOpress “ice therapy” device is chilled in the freezer, its ice-cold temperature at -8 to 2.5C in combination with its roller massage works quickly to smooth away fluid, toxins and puffiness, reduce fine lines, tighten and lift skin to define your cheekbones, jawline and brows whilst evening skin tone and brightening the complexion.
Lacklustre and puffy skin is one of those beauty ‘woes’ we all suffer from time to time, especially over the party season, so get ready for the most fantastic results with this beauty gem that will even diminish the tell-tale signs of the night before!
The second skin-glowing essential in this set is the new ALPHA GLOW FLASH FACIAL.  A next-generation serum, one that tackles the core of natural skin ageing, directly targeting our daily concerns in just one bottle. 9 incredibly effective ingredients including Alpha Arbutin, Hyaluronic acid, Vitamins A, C and E, Salicylic Acid, Rose Stem Cellswork both individually and in fusion, creating an even greater effect, resulting in incredible skin tone, texture and glow.  Use with CRYOpress for glide and to push the actives deeper into your skin for increased benefits.
Exclusively for Marie Claire Readers, 001 Skincare are offering 20% off* CRYO-FLASH FACIAL SET at a special price of £102 (regular duo set price £134 or £160 if bought separately).
Visit 001 Skincare and enter code: MARIECLAIRE20 at checkout.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/12/2018.


Win a Complexion Enhancing Cryotherapy facial set from 001 Skincare London x3