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Win a Year of Free Fresh Dog Food From Butternut Box

A One Year Dog Food Subscription

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A One Year Dog Food Subscription

We all know we love our furry companions, but how do we show them we care? In celebration of National Love Your Pet Day, Butternut Box are offering one lucky pup a year’s subscription for Butternut Box’s freshly prepared, tail-wagging-ly delicious, healthy meals. Will you be the one to win big for the four-legged love in your life?


Butternut Box was founded by two best friends on a mission to provide dogs everywhere with health and happiness. Freshly prepared and made with human-quality ingredients, each box is packed with perfectly balanced, personally tailored fresh meals, helping your dog to become the healthiest and happiest pup they can be.


Every dog is different, and each Butternut Box subscription is personalised to your dog’s dietary needs. Butternut Box’s are backed by the expertise of an in-house veterinarian and nutrition team, taking into account your dog’s breed, weight, size, activity levels and allergies. Butternut meal plans ensure that your dog is being fed the perfect amount of food, because a healthy dog means a happy human.


No matter your dog’s taste, there’s a meal for them. From Chicken You Out and Wham Bam Lamb, to Gobble Gobble Turkey and the new Ready Steady Veggie meal, whether your pup is fussy or always hungry, you're sure to join the empty bowl club. For dogs on their best behaviour, or those that need motivation to sit still, Butternut Box’s Naturally Tasty air-dried treats are sure to have your dog feeling the love on their special day!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 16/03/2022.


A One Year Dog Food Subscription x1