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Win a VAX ONEPWR Bundle for Carpets and Hard Floors

1x VAX ONEPWR Glide with 1L solution and spare brushroll and 1x VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Pet and toolkit

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Sculpher, Southampton

1x VAX ONEPWR Glide with 1L solution and spare brushroll and 1x VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Pet and toolkit

From the VAX ONEPWR family of cordless cleaning products, we have 1 VAX ONEPWR Glide with 1L solution and spare brushroll (£249.99) and 1 VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Pet and toolkit (£259.99) available to win.

Hard floors often seem the convenient option but can involve three-times the work to keep clean; sweeping or vacuuming, washing and drying. Perfect for busy homes with pets and children that add to the debris brought into the home on muddy paws and shoes, dropped food and spills, the VAX ONEPWR Glide all-in-one hard floor cleaner sets the gold standard for floor hygiene by killing 99.9% of bacteria when used with VAX ONEPWR Multi-Floor Solution, and takes the chore out of cleaning because it vacuums, washes and dries all at the same time.

Many homes have both hard floors and carpets, making the VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Pet cordless vacuum the perfect partner for Glide. Ideal for vacuuming hard floors and carpets, it also includes a mini motorised pet tool which is compact yet tough enough to lift stubborn dirt and pet hair from difficult spaces such as pet beds, upholstery, and your car boot and seats.

Both products are available from VAX direct.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 30/07/2021.


1x VAX ONEPWR Glide with 1L solution and spare brushroll and 1x VAX ONEPWR Blade 4 Pet and toolkit x1