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Win a month’s trial of musclefood’s Do the Unthinkable

Months trial of musclefood's Do The Unthinkable

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

E Shears,

Months trial of musclefood's Do The Unthinkable

K Williams, Sidcup

Months trial of musclefood's Do The Unthinkable

Want to start the new decade off in your best shape ever? Well now you have the chance to have all your meals provided whilst losing around two pounds a week!
We’ve teamed up with to give away a four-week trial of their diet and fitness programme Do The Unthinkable worth £276.

The 12-week programme, whose celebrity fans include Josie Gibson, Neil Rudock and Jonathan Tapper, has been designed to make getting in shape easy.
Nutritionally balanced meals are delivered chilled and fresh to your door each week and will take less than 12 minutes to cook. You can choose from hundreds of tasty dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and three snacks a day.
Breakfast includes protein porridge and pancakes. For lunch and dinner, you can select from mouth-watering curries and stir fries all pre-prepped and ready to cook, ready to heat and eat prepped pots including Satay Chicken and Rice Pot, Cajun Beef Rice Meal Pot and Mushroom and Spinach Bolognese Meal Pot. There’s even pizza on the menu.
Optional fitness sessions last 30 minutes and can be done from the comfort of your own home. They will become more challenging as the 12 weeks progress. personal trainer Steve Ahern will be on hand throughout the programme to offer you advice and support as will the Do The Unthinkable community group.
The plan is priced from £60 per week, with five, six and seven day a week option.
Like what you see and can’t wait to see if you win? To find out more visit:

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 29/01/2020.


Months trial of musclefood's Do The Unthinkable x2