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Win new wireless M-2 earphones worth £250

Earin M-2 Earphones

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Kerby, Launceston

Earin M-2 Earphones

P Jepson, BACUP

Earin M-2 Earphones

Earin M-2 true wireless earphones with intelligent noise reduction weigh only 4 grams and remain the smallest and lightest earphones on the market.

To accommodate busy everyday lives, the M-2 earphones were uniquely designed with an all-new patented automatic left/right recognition technology, eliminating the need to mark each earphone with a R or L.


Once inserted, the earphones automatically pair to the user’s smartphone or other Bluetooth device.


Working hand-in-hand with Google, Earin has created an exclusive experience unique to M-2. With the Google Assistant built into the earphone, users can now access Google’s digital assistant simply with a long press of the earbud. This enhanced experience allows connectivity to every day uses at any time, such as voice search or adding appointments to Google calendar.


With custom ergonomic tips and 14 hours of battery life the M-2 earphones allow you to interact freely and communicate while talking with confidence.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/01/2019.


Earin M-2 Earphones x2