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Win an energy saving water conditioner from Halcyan

A Halcyan Water Conditioner

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

P Reilly, LONDON

A Halcyan Water Conditioner

Win a water conditioner from Halcyan and save up to £500 a year on your energy bills.

60% of the UK is supplied with hard water which causes limescale to form on appliances, fixtures and fittings in the home. If you live in a hard water area you will notice limescale build-up in your kettle and on your taps but you may not realise it’s also in your washing machine, dishwasher and boiler. It’s the limescale in these appliances, especially your boiler, that has the biggest impact on your energy bills, causing them to be at least 25% higher than necessary.

The Halcyan Water Conditioner is a small device that can be fitted by your preferred plumber in about an hour. It treats limescale in your home for 30+ years and once it’s installed you will immediately begin to see the benefits. Not only will your boiler and other appliances be more energy efficient saving you money on your bills, you’ll also use less soaps and cleaning products and significantly reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

This water conditioner is completely salt and chemical-free, requires no maintenance and produces healthy, mineral-rich water which is safe to drink and use anywhere in the home; and it’s suitable for installation in any home.

Find out more at 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 29/06/2022.


A Halcyan Water Conditioner x1