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Win a MAM Soother Bundle worth £50

MAM Soother Bundle

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

J Hirst, Stoke-on-Trent

MAM Soother Bundle

M Newstead, Beaconsfield

MAM Soother Bundle

G Shaughnessy, BANBURY

MAM Soother Bundle

N Woodworth, BANGOR

MAM Soother Bundle

S Everett, ST. AUSTELL

MAM Soother Bundle


MAM Soother Bundle

K Symons, Aberdeen

MAM Soother Bundle

S Grant, Egremont

MAM Soother Bundle

F Lee, Coventry

MAM Soother Bundle

E Chaffer, Dursley

MAM Soother Bundle

Parents - join the #soothement movement!


MAM, who has over 45 years of expertise in research and development of baby products, has a great range of soothers to suit every little one's needs. One of its most popular ranges is MAM Perfect Night that 10 lucky parents can win.


These clever soothers glow extra bright at night time, making them easy to find in the dark with little disturbance to your baby. They feature a unique teat that is so soft and feels so familiar that it is accepted by 94% of babies. And to reassure parents that oral health is a top consideration, the soother design has undergone a series of independent tests to show that the thinner and more flexible the neck of the teat puts less pressure on baby’s teeth and jaw to reduce the risk of misaligned teeth.


Packed in a convenient steriliser box, these soothers suit busy parents on the go. Simply pop in the microwave for 3 minutes in the microwave and like magic, you have a sterilised soother!


To be in with the chance of winning the Perfect Night Soother, simply answer the following question.


Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/07/2022.


MAM Soother Bundle x10