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Organic face-care products from Natura Siberica

A fabulous selection of organic face-care products

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

C Brown, Cheadle

A fabulous selection of organic face-care products


A fabulous selection of organic face-care products

K Firth, Lancaster

A fabulous selection of organic face-care products

C Marafon, Leeds

A fabulous selection of organic face-care products


A fabulous selection of organic face-care products

We've put together an amazing selection of organic face care products from cult-beauty brand, Natura Siberica.

Launching in the Uk this month, this new range is based on Kuril Tea flower waters and is suitable for all skin types.

Kuril tea grows mainly in the Altai mountain region of Siberia and is packed full of vitamin C, which perfectly tones and awakens the skin's natural radiance. What's more, it's a natural antioxidant and helps to protect your skin from the effects of pollution and day-to-day stress.

Glowing skin, natural organic ingredients, vegan-certified and cruelty-free. It's a winning range!

Made with adaptogenic herbs and plants, Natura Siberica's range of face, hair and body care is based on the traditional remedies of ancient Siberian tribes.

Featuring wild-harvested ingredients, sourced from unspoiled landscapes, Natura Siberica works with these local tribes, bringing about positive changes in their lives.

To survive the extreme Siberian conditions, endemic and adaptogenic herbs and plants synthesize highly protective active ingredients and have extraordinary antioxidant properties.

When used therapeutically they offer unique health and beauty benefits.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/09/2020.


A fabulous selection of organic face-care products x5