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Win a Royole Moon personal mobile home cinema

Royole Moon personal mobile home cinema

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Lambe, Cardiff

Royole Moon personal mobile home cinema

Sick of ‘second screening’? Or looking for an excuse to stay in and save your pennies? Win a Royole Moon personal mobile home cinema (worth £849.99) – it won’t judge you for binge-watching your favourite Netflix shows.

Royole Moon is a 3D mobile theatre. A truly immersive, ultimate 3D cinematic or gaming experience, that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere.

Moon is the only personal mobile theatre to provide full HD resolution, noise cancelling premium headphones for superior sound, and play Blu-ray 3D movies. Additionally, the Moon has built-in Wi-Fi and the only device to have 32GB of internal storage – so you can store movies and personal media files for easy access wherever you go. It even has a range of apps so you can browse unlimited movies and music.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 03/11/2018.


Royole Moon personal mobile home cinema x1