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Win a bottle of delicious Koko Kanu coconut rum & a beautiful Alex Monroe necklace

A bottle of delicious Koko Kanu coconut rum & a beautiful Alex Monroe necklace

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





It’s the year of the coconut, so indulge your love of the white fleshed fruit with Koko Kanu, a subtle blend of crystal clear rum and coconut; the only true coconut rum available in the UK.
This beautifully rich tasting coconut flavoured rum from the Caribbean island of Jamaica is so smooth and round that it’s delicious on its own over ice or in a cocktail. Why not try the Koko Kanu daiquiri:

Glass: Cocktail/Martini

50ml Koko Kanu
25ml Freshly Pressed Lime Juice
5ml Gomme

Chill a martini glass; add all ingredients to a boston shaker (no shaker? An empty jam jar works as well), shake over ice and double strain.
Pour into the chilled glass and garnish with a slice of lime or a mint leaf.

Koko Kanu has teamed up with Alex Monroe to give you the chance to win a beautiful hummingbird necklace alongside a bottle of perfectly sweet Koko Kanu. Koko Kanu will add a little Caribbean sunshine to any occasion so follow us on twitter or like us on Facebook and share some #IslandSpirit with us.



Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 22/10/2014.


2 Koko Kanu bottle & 1 Alex Monroe Humming bird necklaces x2
2 Koko Kanu bottle x3