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Win an Anita swimsuit for your winter sun break

Anita Swimsuit

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


Anita Swimsuit

WIN a gorgeous Anita swimming costume, ideal for cruise or winter sun escapes. Anita is an international lingerie and swimwear brand that makes award winning garments for women who are serious about style, quality and comfort!  

The Stockholm suit by Anita is from the exciting 'Into the Pool' collection and combines Stripes and leaves in one. A vibrant, positioned print that catches the eye: sporty
stripes contrast with stylised leaves that pick up on the striped print and bring it to life. Vivid electric blue is combined with pastel coral and nude, with black and white accentuating the look.  The Stockholm one-piece swimsuit incorporates plain black panels along the neckline and around the legs, creating a slimming effect when worn.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/12/2022.


Anita Swimsuit x1