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WIN £250 to spend at nu-in

£250 nu-in Voucher

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Booth, Bicester

£250 nu-in Voucher

nu-in is a brand driven by social and environmental sustainability. Their mission is to make an impact on the world, specifically the fashion industry, as it is the second most polluting one. nu-in wants to show the world that affordable fashion and sustainability can coexist. All their clothes are made from recycled, organic, biodegradable and regenerated materials, with the use of clean dying and reduced CO2 emissions. Plus, all their products are vegan. So, we would like to invite you to join this fashion revolution and explore nu-in. Their high-quality fabrics, beautiful pieces and amazing style will speak for themselves. No matter what you are looking for, whether it is a new coat, a super cosy knit, to finally find the perfect pair of jeans or if you simply need a dress to complete your collection, nu-in has the sustainable answer to your search. We have 250 GBP to give you to spend on your favourite items. Good luck!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 15/02/2021.


£250 nu-in Voucher x1