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Win £500 IKEA voucher with GALAXY Digestive Biscuits!

Win £500 IKEA voucher with GALAXY Digestive Biscuits!

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G Rodgers, Middlesbrough

Win £500 IKEA voucher with GALAXY Digestive Biscuits!

Research conducted by GALAXY Digestive Biscuits has today revealed that when it comes to enjoying the UK’s biscuit barrel favourite, dunking into a cup of tea reigns supreme with half the nation choosing a traditional cuppa as their favourite way to consume a chocolate digestive, compared to a third who find joy in dunking into a posher coffee! And to celebrate, we're giving one lucky winner the chance to win a £500 IKEA voucher to spruce up their home and cuppa-ware!

Contrary to recent opinion, 75% of respondents prefer their digestive chocolate side up, with a perfectly timed one to two second dunk (71%), enjoyed in three separate bites. This ensures a slight melt of the chocolate topping, sinking gradually into the soft crumbly biscuit base, without risk of losing any of your treat to the bottom of your cup!

But it’s not just all about the dunk! The optimal time to take your chocolate digestive break is 2.42pm, with one in five people even choosing to enjoy the moment in private to protect anyone from taking their last biscuit.

Michelle Frost, general manager for Mars Chocolate Drinks and Treats, says: “The chocolate digestive has long been hailed the best biscuit for dunking, but which method guarantees the best return on your dunk has always been up for debate!

“In the past it has been suggested that one full, longer dunk of up to eight seconds was the best method to enjoy a dipped digestive, however our research now shows that taking the time to enjoy the moment a little bit longer with shorter dips, and more bites, makes for the ultimate dunking technique!”

And it seems when it comes to chocolate digestives, people are willing to give up some of life’s most popular luxuries to ensure they can still have their favourite biscuit in their life!

· 23% would rather give up watching soaps and TV   

· 17% nights out with friends

· 22% social media       

· 11% listening to music

· 25% alcohol

The research also revealed some of the quirkier ways to enjoy your digestive!

· 12% lick the chocolate off first

· 9% put two together and eat them

· 3% microwave first melt the chocolate slightly

· 18% nibble in from around the edge

· 18% eat all in one go 

· 5 % balance on a mug to melt the chocolate slightly

And what’s more for digestive dunkers, you can now enjoy the irresistible creamy taste of silky smooth, finely milled GALAXY milk chocolate on top! GALAXY Milk Chocolate and GALAXY Orange Digestive Biscuits combine the classic crunchy base of a digestive biscuit, with the unmistakable blend of GALAXY chocolate. Why wouldn’t you?

Available now from Asda, B&M, Home Bargains and Poundland. Choose pleasure, unapologetically with GALAXY Milk Chocolate and GALAXY Orange Digestive Biscuits! RRP £1.89.

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This competition ends on 12/05/2023.


Win £500 IKEA voucher with GALAXY Digestive Biscuits! x1