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Win Georgia Beaven's wellbeing coaching package!

16-week Coaching Package worth £880 from

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


16-week Coaching Package worth £880 from

Exclusively for Marie Claire readers, leading coach and mentor Georgia Beaven is offering you the chance to win a 16-week Coaching and Mentorship Package to help you have a fulfilling life in 2023.

Are you ready to stop living on autopilot and confidently create a fulfilling life and career, on your terms? This package is perfect for ambitious women who are ready to stop feeling stuck and start accessing their fullest potential in their life and career. You’ll develop the skills and mindset to transform your life from the inside out – learning how to love yourself first & be unapologetically you; know your decisions are the right ones for you; and be happy, confident and peaceful.

Georgia Beaven is a Holistic Wellbeing Coach and Self-Care Advocate that helps to get people unstuck, helping them go from exhausted and overwhelmed to energised and elated by sticking to healthy routines, helping her clients ‘live life by design, not default.’

Working with both individuals and businesses, Georgia helps her clients to transform their lives by prioritising their self-care, and helping them to build habits that will help their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

Georgia’s 1:1 Coaching & Mentorship Package is the perfect option for busy yet unfulfilled women who wants to prioritise their long-term and confidently tackle their big life goals and dreams without feeling guilty or overwhelmed.

Find balance in your life and no longer live on autopilot through Georgia’s expert coaching, with 8 fortnightly Zoom sessions (60-75 mins) and unlimited messaging (Mon-Fri) to support you in your journey to a fulfilling life.

Enter today to win an incredible 16-week Coaching Package that can transform your life and help you have a fulfilling 2023.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 18/02/2023.


16-week Coaching Package worth £880 from x1