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Win a 14 day supply of GPH 5 Complex by Hebe Life

Win a 14 Day Supply of GPH 5 Complex

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Scarborough, NEWARK

Win a 14 Day Supply of GPH 5 Complex

L Duane, Lymm

Win a 14 Day Supply of GPH 5 Complex


Win a 14 Day Supply of GPH 5 Complex

Introducing GPH 5 Complex from Hebe Life. An extraordinary NEW ready to drink beauty shot that has been designed to increase skin hydration, elasticity, and smoothness, stimulate the production of collagen by the body, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and skin aging signs, and protect cells against oxidative stress. Hebe Life is a powerhouse of innovation, crafting cutting-edge rejuvenation products that have taken the world by storm. Their revolutionary line of potent beauty and sport performance nutricosmetic line, are carefully formulated to bring your skin and body back to life. At Hebe Life, they’re on a mission to unlock the secrets of nature and harness the latest advancements in technology to work wonders at the cellular level. GPH5 doesn't just stop at boosting collagen-it's a multi-talented powerhouse that goes above and beyond to revitalise your skin from the inside out. This isn't your average skincare product, it's a transformative experience that unlocks your skin's full potential.

With results seen in just 14 days, GPH 5 Complex is a product with super quick results for overall skin health. It contains a revolutionary nutricosmetics formula that combines clinically proven, patented ingredients and essential nutrients in a ready-to- drink beauty shot. A valuable addition to the daily beauty routine for both men and women, it not only reduces signs of aging, it also rejuvenates the skin and fights against damage from external factors such as sun, wind, makeup, etc. It even goes further to support strong, healthy hair and nails whilst also promoting overall skin health.

This month, Hebe Life is giving three lucky Marie Claire readers the chance to WIN a 14 day supply of GPH 5 Complex, helping you achieve overall glowing skin from within.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 07/07/2023.


Win a 14 Day Supply of GPH 5 Complex x3