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Win a Wine Cooler by Haier worth £500

Wine Cooler by Haier worth £500

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Morgan, Malvern

Wine Cooler by Haier worth £500

We are offering one lucky participant a chance to win a premium Wine Cooler by Haier

Perfect for aspirational wine connoisseurs, Haier Wine Bank 50 Series 3 helps preserve the characteristics of your wine and allows you to store your collection like a professional wine cellar.

The appliance provides the right conditions, including managing the temperature and humidity inside the cellar, to serve you fine wine!

The wine cooler is freestanding, featuring nine shelves and can store up to 33 bottles. The shelves are designed in wood, adding to the luxurious feel of the cooler.

Haier’s innovative invention, the wine cooler, is also dazzled with LED lights that brighten the fridge but simultaneously omit very little heat. This feature is vital to maintain optimal temperatures within the cellar for your wines.

The cooler is equipped with an anti-UV glass door that protects your wine from harmful light rays, delivering the perfect conditions for outstanding wine preservation.

The wine cooler can also be easily incorporated, accentuating the overall aesthetic of your kitchen.

Haier – No. 1 worldwide in home appliances for the 13th consecutive year.

Don’t risk losing the taste and aroma of your wine – enter the competition now!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 06/01/2023.


Wine Cooler by Haier worth £500 x1