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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win New Shoes! Five winners will receive a £100 voucher

A £100 gift card

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A £100 gift card

L Davies, Cannock

A £100 gift card

J Dorling, Newport

A £100 gift card

E Collins, Northampton

A £100 gift card

D Westwood, Ilford

A £100 gift card

Win stunning shoes by Hugs & Co. Five winners will receive a £100 gift voucher to spend on luxury footwear in the Hugs & Co. online store. 

Hugs & Co. has been the top British brand for luxury suede shoes for over a decade. Imagination and flare are poured into each design and new collection. Find every colour conceivable crafted to be the most comfortable shoes you've ever worn. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/10/2023.


A £100 gift card x5