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Win Two Tickets To See The Laurent-Perrier Garden At This Year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Plus A Gourmet Dinner For Two At Cucina Asellina

Cucina Asellina

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





The prestigious RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2013 is one of this year’s must-attend events, as the show celebrates its centenary. For the 15th year Laurent-Perrier will be competing for gold, with a garden designed by renowned award-winning Swedish garden designer, Ulf Nordfjell. Uniting the style of French and English gardens, Ulf has created a romantic garden with a contemporary twist.

As well as two tickets to this sell-out show, the winner and a friend will also enjoy the beautiful gardens at Chelsea and enjoy a glass of Laurent-Perrier Brut each, while overlooking the Laurent-Perrier Garden.

Culminate this incredible experience with appetisers at the bar and dinner for two at the artisan Italian restaurant Cucina Asellina, accompanied by a bottle of the prestige Laurent-Perrier Grand Siècle. Cucina Asselina, in Covent Garden, takes inspiration from the original Asellina Taverna in Pompeii and the legend of Asellina herself, who was regarded as a female pioneer of hospitality. Influenced by the traditional flavours and textures of simple Italian cuisine, Cucina Asellina has a warm, inviting atmosphere that any guest will enjoy. For more information, please click here.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/05/2013.
