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Win Dermalux® Phototherapy at Pulse Light Clinic

Win Dermalux® Phototherapy treatment at our Fenchurch Street Clinic.

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

L Lyden, Stoke-on-Trent

Win Dermalux® Phototherapy treatment at our Fenchurch Street Clinic.

This unique treatment is revolutionary and multi-award winning. Dermalux® LED Phototherapy uses natural light to revitalise the skin and create a more replenished overall look. This spectacular and unprecedented treatment boosts dull skin and makes it appear more vibrant and youthful. With Dermalux® the downtime is minimal, it is non-invasive, and the results are immaculate. With this treatment, everyone can feel confident in their own skin.

Dermalux® harnesses the power of light to increase the body’s natural production of vitamin D and is based on the concept that our bodies naturally consume light to fuel cell repair, enhance your skin's natural glow, and increase vitamin D levels.

Similarly to plants, humans absorb light for growth and rejuvenation - this process known as photobiomodulation has incredible outcomes, particularly with red light therapy, which is used for tissue repair and regeneration. Dermalux® Phototherapy treatment is highly-popular amongst A-list celebrities and the perfect secret weapon to give you that Valentine’s Day glow. You will receive exclusive bookings and expert care at our Fenchurch Street clinic. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 20/02/2023.


Win Dermalux® Phototherapy treatment at our Fenchurch Street Clinic. x1