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Win a complete Marie Claire Sport outfit worth over £200


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Pringle, Newcastle upon Tyne

Complete outfit from the Marie Claire Sport range to include x1 leggings, x1 vest, x1 sports bra, x1 jacket of winners choice

Achieve your new year’s fitness goals in style with a new outfit from the brand new Marie Claire Sport range.


Here at Marie Claire we’ve just launched our first athleisure range designed specifically to combine functionality and fashion. Marie Claire Sport is the ultimate supercharged athleisure range with an eye to the catwalk but with legs in the gym.


The Marie Claire Sport range uses innovative performance stretch materials that mould to the body’s shape and are technically able to support a truly active lifestyle. So whether you’re working hard in a HITT session or sipping a soya latte you’ll look and feel fantastic.

The first collection from Marie Claire Sport incorporates every gym essential. From sports bras and leggings to the ultimate athleisure bomber jacket in the exclusive Marie Claire print. You won’t want to confine it the gym.   


Check out the new Marie Claire Sport range at Prices range from £35.00 to £85.00


The Marie Claire Sport outfit will include:

Leggings (x1), Sports Bra (x1), Jacket (x1), Vest (x1) of winners choice

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/02/2018.


Complete outfit from the Marie Claire Sport range to include x1 leggings, x1 vest, x1 sports bra, x1 jacket of winners choice x1