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Win a HiGRID Luxe Original sleep mattress

HiGRID Luxe Original sleep mattress

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

C Bradshaw, Enfield

HiGRID Luxe Original sleep mattress

Considering that we spend more than one-third of our lives sleeping, having a good mattress is crucial for our overall well-being. HiGRID, with its innovative SmartGRID mattress, is revolutionising the way we sleep and sit. Introducing the latest breakthrough in the mattress industry since the invention of memory foam in the 1960s, the "Made in UK" SmartGRID mattress is the ultimate solution to our nation's sleep problems.

The SmartGRID mattress is a risk-free investment, offering a 200-night free trial and a 10-year warranty, making it the perfect solution for anyone seeking to improve their sleep quality.

With a focus on sleep science, the brand has crafted a luxurious SmartGRID mattress featuring patented Japanese technology. The mattress boasts a unique grid-shaped hyper-elastic polymer core construction with intelligent gel that conforms to the body at smaller points, like the shoulders, while remaining firm at larger surface areas such as the back. With more than 2500 air channels, it prevents heat build-up, reduces night sweats, and cushions the body in a comfortable cocoon, providing a firm base for the spine to relieve common backache problems. It offers the promise of luxury by ensuring comfortable sleep, doubling the amount of back support and lasting longer than traditional memory foam mattresses.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/05/2023.


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