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Win a Set of Haircare Heroes From Italian Brand milk_shake Worth Over £100

milk_shake haircare

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





If the winter weather and too many styling sessions over the festive period has taken its toll on your tresses, look no further. To help restore your locks to their former glory, we’ve teamed up with Italian haircare brand milk_shake to offer four lucky readers the chance to win a selection of nourishing hair treats worth over £100.

This luxurious kit will comprise seven products harnessing the replenishing properties of milk and wheat proteins to leave hair feeling silky-soft, full of bounce and smelling divine. The lucky winners will receive the award-winning conditioning whipped cream (200ml, £14.79), color maintainer shampoo (300ml, £12.39), leave-in conditioner (350ml, £14.79), active yogurt mask (200ml, £14.79) and glistening argan oil (50ml, £18.99) to restore winter worn hair. Also included are the frizz-fighting, glistening serum (75ml, £19.29) and treatment (200ml, £14.79) from the hero no frizz range, ensuring your hair is left looking gorgeous once more.

