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Win PureDKNY a Drop of Vanilla Fragrance

pureDKNY a drop of vanilla fragrance

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





pureDKNY  is more than a fragrance: since the launch of the first scent pureDKNY a drop of vanilla the brand has partnered with leading humanitarian organisation, CARE International.  

The signature ingredient in each pureDKNY a drop of vanilla fragrance is sourced from vanilla bean farmers in Uganda, Africa, the majority of whom are women. The verbena plants used in the second fragrance – pureDKNY a drop of verbena – are sourced from woman farmers in Togo, Africa. This way, pureDKNY is helping to make an impact on improving the financial future for these women, one drop at a time.

Furthermore all pureDKNY packaging is made from 100% recyclable materials and produced with renewable energy.
