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Win A Sensationail Starter Kit Plus A New Shade, Together Worth £70


5 prizes to be won!

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Fancy a fuss free gel manicure without the salon price tag? SENSATIONAIL™, the no1 selling at-home gel manicure kit has the answer.

SENSATIONAIL™ offers a high gloss, damage-proof manicure with a mirror finish, with no chipping, lifting or cracking for up to 14 days! SENSATIONAIL™ is easily removed in minutes with an acetone nail polish remover for when you want to switch up your shade!

Designed to last you for years and save you money, the Nailene SENSATIONAIL™ Starter Kit is a powerful and compact system that comes complete with all of the tools you need to achieve a beautiful gel polish manicure. The exclusive and compact PRO 3060 LED Lamp harnesses LED light technology to safely and quickly flash harden the SENSATIONAIL gel polish, sealing in the colour for a radiant finish, with zero dry time

SENSATIONAIL™ has also just launched a range of brand new shades and effects to their line, featuring on-trend pastel hues, classic French polishes, and an edgy Magnetic finish.

Kits available from, Asda, Tesco Direct, Tesco and Boots stores nationwide, and from £60.

Visit for more info and stockists.
