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Win a digital shopping spree worth £500 with

vente privee

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in




Secs, the no.1 online event shopping destination, wants to spoil two lucky winners with a £500 voucher to spend on their website. Over 2,000 of the world´s best known fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands choose to sell their stock at discounts from between 50-70%.
Every day, over 2.5 million people log on to and snap up their favourite brands in a matter of seconds (well 48 seconds to be exact, which was how fast we once sold over 2,500 watches from a very prestigious brand).  So far, over 18 million people have been seduced by vente-privee´s online shopping oasis, which includes the VPLOUNGE, where our most premium luxury sales are held.
So for you next fashion purchase, will you save up and buy, or buy and save? Come and discover the universe of
