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A £500 Voucher

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Ending in





Competition Winners

A Larden, Birmingham

A £500 Voucher

As warmer days are in sight, spring is approaching and as we begin to plan our holidays abroad SamBoat is offering a chance to win a £500 voucher, so you can book your boating trip in the sun!

The global platform for boat rental offers the widest range of boats and yachts on the market and operate worldwide – so they’re perfect for that long haul holiday in the sun. Not only that, being on water is known to be good for our physical and mental well-being: a concept known as Blue Health. The movement and sound of water can have a calming, meditative effect that can improve your mood.

You can book a motorboat for a day trip or a larger catamaran or yacht for longer trips. Prices start from just £100 a day. They combine market-leading technology with real human interaction, knowledge and expertise: SamBoat’s charter advisors have all worked in the charter industry for at least 10 years and can give expert advice. Plus, all boats are able to be hired with a skipper, meaning even novices can enjoy!

Win a £500 Voucher from SamBoat

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 21/04/2023.


A £500 Voucher x1