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WIN a kids' camp in 2023 for two children with PGL

Stay at a PGL camp for up to 2 children

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

G Hoogenraad, West Linton

Stay at a PGL camp for up to 2 children

Trying to juggle the school holidays and your career is challenging. In fact, according to PGL* almost half (45%) of UK parents claim they experience burn-out trying to do it all while others (41%) suffer from stress and a quarter (25%) feel anxious.

And it’s not just their personal lives that suffer. A third (34%) of parents also say the juggle has an impact on their ability to do their job with 53% saying they can’t fully concentrate while two-fifths (40%) have had to miss important meetings due to holiday childcare issues.

Luckily, PGL, the holiday saviour, offers kids camps for children aged 8-16 years, allowing them to experience the ultimate sleepover, gain independence from home, make friends and enjoy a choice of over 40 fun activities at one of the many centres across the UK. With breaks available for as little as £199 for two-night stays, parents using the English centres can also pay with Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare making it a win for everyone.

To help during the summer holidays or October half term 2023, PGL is offering one winner the opportunity to send up to two children to one of its UK centres for a week’s stay.

*Mortar Research carried out the research targeting 1,000 full time employed and self employed parents of children in Primary and Secondary school in the UK.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/06/2023.


Stay at a PGL camp for up to 2 children x1