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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win £250 to spend with Point To Point Clothing

£250 gift voucher

6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Jackson, BOSTON

£250 gift voucher

C Elliott, Alford

£50 gift voucher

L Swinburne, ROCHFORD

£50 gift voucher

L Sanderson, Beverley

£50 gift voucher


£50 gift voucher

B Parsons, CREWE

£50 gift voucher

Win £250 to spend on our latest collection of sustainable summer clothing crafted from organic and natural dyed materials. 

Point To Point champions sustainable and ethical production through responsible design, environmental protection, supporting artisans and worker’s rights. We work closely with communities who use GOTS certified organic cotton, herbal dyes and other natural fabrics such as banana and lotus. Collaborating with artisans, we showcase an alternative way to produce and consume fashion by creating clothing that is 100% natural, to make you look and feel good.

Enter to win and join the journey towards a healthier fashion future!

Visit our website to read more about what we do and who we work with.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 10/06/2022.


£250 gift voucher x1
£50 gift voucher x5