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Win the ultimate road trip with California Scents

A £300 Airbnb voucher, £250 spending money and a year’s supply of California Scents Car Air Fresheners

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A £300 Airbnb voucher, £250 spending money and a year’s supply of California Scents Car Air Fresheners

This summer, California Scents is encouraging us to buckle up, hit the road and enjoy all the amazing places the UK has to offer!

Thanks to California Scents Car Air Fresheners, you could be driving off on your own exciting road trip adventure with a £300 Airbnb voucher, £250 spending money and a year’s supply of California Scents Car Air Fresheners*.  

California Scents Car Air Fresheners pack a punch and will instantly get you into the summer mindset with a variety of fun, bold and original fragrances including Coronado Cherry, Newport New Car, and Shasta Strawberry.

Cruise into Californian bliss and transform your car by simply popping a can under the seat, a diffuser into your vents or by simply hanging a vial from your rear-view mirror and you’ll be riding with fresh air for weeks!

To enter, simply answer the following question:

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 17/08/2022.


A £300 Airbnb voucher, £250 spending money and a year’s supply of California Scents Car Air Fresheners x1