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Win a luxurious Emepelle gift set worth £300

Emepelle Gift Set

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

V Ademaj, Peterborough

Emepelle Gift Set

G Easton, Henley-in-Arden

Emepelle Gift Set

Did you know that as oestrogen levels decrease during menopause, the skin loses a large amount of collagen over a short space of time. There is up to a 30% loss of skin’s collagen within the first five years of menopause and a 1% loss in each subsequent year. Our skin also declines in skin thickness by 1% in postmenopausal year.

Help restore your skin’s vitality with Emepelle 

The Emepelle regime consists of just two products, a Day Serum and Night Cream, and a host of active ingredients including retinol, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid. But what makes Emepelle totally different to even the best traditional anti-ageing creams is that it also contains MEP Technology® - a new kind of ingredient that rejuvenates menopausal skin.

MEP Technology® encourages the skin to behave as if the oestrogen was still there. MEP does not add oestrogen to the body. Instead, it helps key skin cells work the way they did before menopause, when they were being stimulated by oestrogen. This process helps restore lost collagen and vitality. Resulting in younger-looking skin that’s hydrated, brighter and firmer.

MEP Technology® and Emepelle have been thoroughly tested in clinical studies by leading dermatologists.

The Emepelle regime includes Emepelle Serum and Emepelle Night Cream. Using just these two products will rejuvenate, rebalance and restore skin with no need to layer multiple skincare products.

To enter simply answer the following question. Good Luck!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 28/11/2022.


Emepelle Gift Set x2