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What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of schnapps

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

S Soens, Southport

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!


What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

A Mitchell, London

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

N Woodworth, BANGOR

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

R Sunder, Maidstone

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!


What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!


What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

C Aldred, Ipswich

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

A Larden, Birmingham

What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps!

SCHNAPPS. IS. BACK…….. ALRIGHT! Gone are the days of dragging out that dusty old bottle at the back of granny’s cocktail cabinet once a year, and memories of garish neon glittery shots slammed back in the student union. Flävar - a clear, 25% vodka-based schnapps - has arrived from Sweden, and Dancing Queens all over the UK are loving the glamorous makeover of this retro liquid. If you love a cheeky shot now and then, it is time to find your Flävar! 

Enter NOW to get the party started! We're giving you the chance to win a party bundle, 1 bottle of Flävar Salted Caramel, 1 bottle of Flävar Strawberry & Lime and 1 bottle of Flävar Raspberry & Liquorice.

Made with some of the freshest water in the world, expertly crafted on the shores of beautiful Lake Boren in Southern Sweden, this is a seriously smooth and stylish liquid encased in vivid designs and with a bottleneck proudly emblazoned with the Swedish flag.  

The secret to the great taste is award-winning vodka mixed with deliciously indulgent flavours: this is a clear, crisp mouth-watering schnapps - made for good times, for those with good taste, and lovers of delicious desserts too. There’s no mistaking the distinctive schnapps flavour though - a secret recipe - that is nostalgic of great nights out, but with an altogether more elevated taste experience. Best served seriously chilled.


Photo by Nicole M. Gomes

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/01/2023.


What's your Flävar? Win 3 bottles of seriously stylish schnapps! x10