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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win a £250 voucher to shop Petite clothing at Piccoli

A £250 gift card

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

T Ryder, Seaham

A £250 gift card

D Gaunt, Huddersfield

A £250 gift card

Piccoli is a London-based designer clothing brand for Petite women (women who are 5'3 and under).

They work with small-batch, limited edition production, with all their pieces being sustainably made in Brazil by small groups of seamstresses. Social and environmental sustainability is core to the Piccoli brand DNA, and they operate a transparent supply chain, ensuring fair pay to all the seamstresses.

The brand offers Petite dresses, coats, trousers and more. All pieces are design-led, and especially designed to fit a shorter frame (with shorter hemlines, inseams, sleeves, and narrower shoulders, for instance).

Their collections feature only premium, high-quality natural materials, with a focus on biodegradable, local and certified textiles and trimmings. This includes luxurious blends of silk, linen and cotton - offered in exclusive, hand-picked shades. As an additional commitment to sustainability, all their orders are shipped in biodegradable packaging, and 1 tree is planted in the Amazon for every order.

Come discover your perfect Petite wardrobe.

Worldwide shipping & FREE shipping on UK orders.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/01/2023.


A £250 gift card x2