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Win a SONIC Chic URBAN toothbrush! For a stylish smile on-the-go.

Win a SONIC Chic URBAN toothbrush! For a stylish smile on-the-go.

20 prizes to be won!

Ending in





SONIC Chic URBAN is a convenient stylish toothbrush that's ideal for those who are always on-the-go. This lightweight, portable electronic toothbrush comes with a hygienic vented cap, making it perfect for travelling, the office, the gym or just popping into your handbag!

Available in a choice of 12 fashion inspired designs, you’ll never be caught short without a toothbrush again! And the best bit? Substance isn’t compromised for style. The small but powerful SONIC Chic URBAN boasts speeds of 22,000 brushstrokes per minute for that SONIC fresh feeling.

Available in Boots and Look Fantastic, SONIC Chic URBAN comes with an AAA battery and an extra replacement brush head.


Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 22/06/2017.


A SONIC Chic URBAN toothbrush x20