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Win a BLAUER down jacket with roll stitching

Win a BLAUER down jacket

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

M Garside, Deal

Win a BLAUER down jacket

Win a BLAUER down jacket with roll stitching. The jacket features solid colour nylon down with horizontal wave stitching and attached hood. Finishing with characteristic Blauer loop sewn on left chest and Swarovski patch with Velcro on the sleeve.

Blauer USA is the clothing brand that treasures and renews the tradition of American outerwear. Founded in Boston in 1936 to supply technical garments to the police, the navy and other military corps, today Blauer reinterprets the concept of uniform for the fashion market, to suit men and women that are independent, cosmopolitan and sensitive to quality, authenticity and performing materials.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/09/2023.


Win a BLAUER down jacket x1