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Win 'CANNOR' Natural Skincare Beauty Box!

Cannor Skincare Bundle

6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Cannor skincare products are 100% natural, free from synthetic dyes and chemical preservatives.

We go beyond plant extracts and incorporate a range of highly active ingredients into our products, such as hyaluronic acid, stoechiol, bakuchiol, schisandra, and exceptionally potent hydrating complexes. These powerful components enhance the efficacy of botanicals. Everything that comes to life in our hands is 100% natural, with a high concentration of organic elements.

Cannor Specialises in problematic and ageing skin, by balancing your skin and not being harsh against your natural skin barrier whilst hydrating and bringing back buoyancy to your skin.

Each step of our production is an artful display of craftsmanship, from blending the organic ingredients to in-house botanical extraction, pressing, filling, and packing.

Our certified organic farm follows strict guidelines that prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and harmful chemicals. Instead, we employ natural and environmentally-friendly farming techniques, promoting biodiversity and supporting the well-being of local wildlife. By avoiding synthetic pesticides, we protect the water sources surrounding our farm, preventing nitrogen pollution and safeguarding the delicate balance of the ecosystem.


You don't have to wait to win the prize to try our amazing range of products! Take advantage of our EXCLUSIVE discount code and receive 15% off your first order using code MARIE15.

Please visit our website for more information at

Your prize Bundle may include: Rejuvenating Face Serum with Seaweed and Hyaluronic Acid, Natural Coconut Body Scrub with Himalayan Salt, Vitamin Booster face Oil with natural retinol , Cucumber Cleansing oil to remove dirt and makeup and leave fresh hydrated skin or Cannor Night Balm to boost your skin to look plumper and even toned in the morning, or our Hemp Recovery Balm for all the families skincare issues from dry skin, eczema and psoriasis and more...


Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 28/05/2024.


Cannor Skincare Bundle worth over £80 x6