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Win tickets to luxury immersive dining experience

Win family tickets to luxury immersive dining experience

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Ending in





Competition Winners

M Krutska, LONDON

Win family tickets to luxury immersive dining experience

Marie Claire and The Roc King Club have teamed up to give one lucky family the chance to win an unforgettable immersive dining experience set to rock London. 

The prize for the lucky winner includes four tickets to The Roc King Club which is an all-new theatrical family dining experience coming to London in 2024, on 10th and 11th February. 

The Roc King Club will transport families into a hidden world of adventure, for an immersive, dancing and dining theatrical experience like no other. 

The 3-hour family experience at the renowned Grade II listed Porchester Hall in Paddington has two sittings (at 12pm and 6pm) and will include a three-course meal during the mesmerising theatrical show. 

With performances from world-class knights, ballerinas, magicians, circus acts, comedians and more, this first production from The Roc King Club, dubbed ‘The Greatest Knight of the Year’, is centred around an interactive tournament, where the realm’s four greatest knights compete for the coveted title and hundreds of gold coins - all hosted by the charismatic compere, Arthur Chalice. 

With exciting audience participation between the three courses, families will get the chance to be involved in the tournament. As well as all the jam-packed entertainment, Roc King Club also features talented artists who will be drawing family portraits for the lucky guests. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/01/2024.


Win family tickets to luxury immersive dining experience x1