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Win a bundle of smart Ember Mugs worth over £250

Win a bundle of smart Ember Mugs worth over £250!

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

J Anthony, Harrow

Win a bundle of smart Ember Mugs worth over £250!


Win a bundle of smart Ember Mugs worth over £250!

Say goodbye to lukewarm coffee. Whether you’re working from home or travelling around, this bundle of Ember Mugs will keep your drink of choice hot wherever you are. Using patented temperature control technology, Ember’s smart mugs allow you to set an exact drinking temperature between 50°C and 62.5°C, so your tea or coffee is never too hot, or too cold. Ember Travel Mug² then maintains your chosen temperature for 3 hours and Ember Mug² 10oz for 1.5 hours, respectively, or all day when placed on the ergonomic charging coaster.


What’s more, Ember is a connected device so you can use the Ember app to set your temperature, customise presets for your favourite drinks, receive notifications when your desired temperature is reached, personalise your mug, and much more. Ember Travel Mug² also features a clever touch display, so you can increase or decrease your temperature on-the-go by tapping the + or - symbol. Your Ember Mug will remember your preferred temperature, automatically waking up when hot liquid is poured in and entering sleep mode when not in use - making it the most sophisticated mug on the market.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 25/12/2021.


Win a bundle of smart Ember Mugs worth over £250! x2