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Win! £500 to spend at Garden Trading

A £500 voucher to spend at Garden Trading

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

C Hughes, West Bromwich

A £500 voucher to spend at Garden Trading

There's nothing quite like the promise of more natural light to put a spring in your step. As we celebrate the end of a long winter, Garden Trading presents a carefully curated collection that is here to help you fall in love with your home again.

With a mix of natural finishes and tonal touches, the ranges elevate the everyday and enable you to make room for your own rituals. 

Refresh your hardest working rooms with style fixes for an organised life and take time to create welcoming spaces that are perfect for hosting with family and friends. Enhance it all with our botanical buys, perfect for making plants thrive and together ensuring that your living areas are looking their very best for the season ahead.

From sink side to storage, Garden Trading’s laundry & utility collection features everything you'll need to make light work of household chores. Keep your home looking spotless with stylish and versatile vessels you can refill and reuse, making the switch from abrasive chemicals to natural formulas that are gentle on the planet, yet tough on grease.  

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 15/03/2024.


A £500 voucher to spend at Garden Trading x1