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Win a £100 gift card to shop Luminosity Glitter

A £100 gift card

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Join the Eco Glitter Revolution and win a voucher to spend with Luminosity Glitter.

Luminosity Glitter is at the forefront of sustainable beauty innovation, offering a dazzling range of biodegradable glitter that not only sparkles but also aligns with eco-conscious values.
Our glitter is made from regenerated eucalyptus cellulose, providing a guilt-free alternative to traditional plastic glitter.
What sets our product apart is its rapid biodegradability, breaking down in a matter of weeks when exposed to natural environments, leaving behind no harmful traces.
Whether adorning your face, body, hair, nails, or enhancing crafting projects, our biodegradable glitter offers a guilt-free shimmering experience.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 23/05/2024.


A £100 gift card x5