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WIN an Overnight Spa Break at Ragdale Hall

WIN an Overnight Reviver Break for two at  Ragdale Hall Spa

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

L Walters, Stoke-on-Trent

WIN an Overnight Reviver Break for two at Ragdale Hall Spa

Ragdale Hall Spa, recently voted ‘Best Spa for Guest Experience’ at the Good Spa Awards 2022, is offering the chance for some well-deserved ‘You-Time’ for one lucky winner and their guest.

Enjoy a blissful spa break with use of all facilities including six unique pools, a Thermal Spa with 11 heat and water experiences, a variety of fitness classes, all your meals and a 50-minute relaxing treatment too.

Ragdale Hall Spa is surrounded by thirteen acres of beautiful Leicestershire countryside, which combines state-of-the-art facilities with the charm of traditional Victorian architecture to create one of the most luxurious destination spas in the country.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/09/2022.


WIN an Overnight Reviver Break for two at Ragdale Hall Spa x1