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Win a year's supply of Simply Roasted's better crisps

A year’s supply of Simply Roasted’s better crisps

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

A Kirton, Westhill

A year’s supply of Simply Roasted’s better crisps


A year’s supply of Simply Roasted’s better crisps

crisps, crisps, crisps! we can't get enough of them. simply roasted new range of crisps will excite every crisp lover out there. made from specially selected sliced British potatoes that are roasted (never fried), they are all natural, have 50% less fat than fried crisps and are under 100cals a serving all in all a seriously snackitsfying treat. They recently landed in the UK and that's exciting, so exciting. They have decided to celebrate by offering you the chance to win a year's supply of crisps.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 20/06/2022.


A year’s supply of Simply Roasted’s better crisps x2