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Win these handmade sterling silver threader earrings

Handmade sterling silver threader earrings

18 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Here’s your chance to win this elegant pair of handmade, sterling silver, textured circle threaders from Halo Jewellery UK.  One of my bestsellers, these are just perfect to add that extra something to your outfit.  The circle is said to be a symbol of female empowerment, and what better way to empower women than through education. 


As the founder of Halo Jewellery UK, I believe that there is no better way of creating strong, independent women with real choices in life.  Two-thirds of the world’s illiterate population are female, and that needs to change now.  Halo donates 50% of its profits to charities that support the learning and education of disadvantaged girls.


I believe that jewellery should be more than just beautiful; it should be meaningful, too.  So I try to ensure that every piece of jewellery I design has some meaning for the wearer.  This could be because it’s a symbol or colour that holds meaning for you, or because it’s your initial or zodiac sign.  Or it could simply be that you identify with Halo’s charitable ethos.  Whatever the reason, your piece of jewellery will be an expression of you.


Each piece of jewellery that I design is handmade from start to finish by me, using recycled sterling silver wherever possible.  To find out more and get a 15% discount, please visit

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 11/12/2021.


Handmade sterling silver threader earrings x18